Today we have precipitation, and condensation dripping down the sides of our ecosystem. Our animals are still living as well as the plants.
Dr. Janice Ellis
11/7/2012 09:20:08 am

What is your hypothesis about the survival of your ecosystem? The self sustaining ecosystems needed for the NASA astronauts for the ORION project to Mars will need to sustain life for an undetermined amount of time. How long will you seal up your system? It will have to support autotrophs and heterotrophs. Do you have these factors in your system? What components of each one of these groups do you have? Water is essential to any life. How did you supply water in your system? Will the water stay still or will it cycle in your system? If it does cycle, what qualitative data will you see on your system? I wish you look on your system.

Denver Page
11/8/2012 01:22:12 am

My hypothesis is our ecosystem will live far longer than the three weeks that we are keeping it sealed for. The ecosystem will support autotrophs and heterotrophs. The autotrophs we have are the bean plants, radishes, blue bonnets, parsley, and herbs. The water is cycling in our ecosystem. The qualitative data we have is a rough landscape but the soil is moist and the plants and animals are flourishing.


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    My name is Denver C. Page. I was born 12-12-1996. When I graduate high school I would like to go to college and study electrophysiology and neurophysiology. I would like to study them for eight years each to get my PHD in both of them.


    November 2012
    October 2012

